Whatever we ingest eventually has to be eliminated. But how does elimination proceed? Do check out Dr J's recommendation for facilitating a comprehensive functioning of the digestive system at Dr J's Biohack For Optimal Digestion And Detox! Atlernatively, one could also take a gander at What Nutrients Support Digestion And Detox In Our Body?

Our body has this uncanny knack of being able to process and eliminate most of the stuff that we actually do ingest. We eat solid foods and eliminate them as faeces. We drink liquids and eliminate them as urine.
However, there are other smaller molecules that also undergo complex elimination processes, which we don’t necessarily give much thought to.
That’s basically because they are either dissolved within the urine or enmeshed within our faeces, so we don’t really think about them.
Unfortunately, even if we don’t think about them, they still do have to undergo those elimination mechanisms before they can get dumped out of our body — failing which, they would tend to accumulate in the body.
Elimination via the urine
The major pathway for elimination via the urine is the solubilisation of different substances into the urine via glucuronidation. As it is stated in this article,
Glucuronidation alone could serve as the dominant metabolic pathway for many compounds, including some with high aqueous solubility.
The liver is the main source of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) enzymes, which are responsible for adding a glucuronic acid group to a relatively water-insoluble compound to make it more soluble in water (by converting it into a glucoronide), such that it can enter the liquid waste (urine) stream and get urinated out of our body in due time.
Glucuronidation is a key detoxification pathway for the elimination of many endo- and xenobiotics that we may unwittingly consume each day — for example, the pesticides that aren’t fully washed off the vegetables and the fruits that we eat, or the air pollutants that we breathe in on a daily basis.
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